Jillian Echo Green UNBC Practicum Portfolio

A General ePortfolio Template

Jillian Echo Green UNBC Practicum Portfolio

What’s on your plate?

We are each shaped by unique experiences and circumstances. Although learning is social and we should always find ways to connect with others and find understanding, we will never truly know the lived experience of another. Be patient, kind, and compassionate with others, because you never know what is on their plate.

About Your Blog Posts

Blog posts are intended to be formative and used as a means for self-reflection.

Most of the resources in this e-portfolio are arranged in [Pages].  This entry is a [Post]. So DO NOT “edit” the page. Add a “new” post instead.

Some of the key differences between posts and pages are:

  • Posts are timely content part of a series of posts in a blog. Pages are static documents which are not tied to the blog’s reverse chronological order of content
  • Pages can be hierarchical, which means a page can have sub pages, for example a parent page titled “About us” can have a sub-page called “Our history”. On the other hand posts are not hierarchical.
  • By default posts in WordPress can be sorted into taxonomies Categories and Tags. Pages do not have categories or tags
  • WordPress posts are displayed in RSS feeds while Pages are excluded from feeds.

Posts are a great way to record short reflections on a particular topic.  When you are ready to start adding posts to your ePortfolio delete this post and add your own.

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