During my 490-practicum experience, I was surrounded by mentors and colleagues who supported and valued my growth. They instilled in me the need and desire to consistently self-assess, receive formative feedback, and reflect upon my teaching and learning experiences. Through these practices, I was able to grow exponentially in areas such as lesson planning and classroom management. My coaching teacher and practicum evaluator both provided me with valuable formative feedback that provided me with the skills and tools that I need to succeed. My ability to self-assess and practice reflective and reflexive teaching developed significantly and will continue to develop and accompany me throughout my degree and into my career.

Assessment for Learning

Having the opportunity to practice assessment for learning personally this practicum opened my eyes to how I will carry these practices forward into the 491-practicum as I provide my students with more consistent, in-depth formative and summative assessment.  Receiving consistent formative feedback allowed me to constantly self-assess and reflect upon my teaching and learning experiences. This is what enabled my growth, as I was provided with feedback that allowed me to develop skills in lesson planning and classroom management. This in combination with tools provided by my coaching teacher, such as resources within the classroom, contributed to my confidence within the classroom as I was scaffolded towards greater independence during the three full days of teaching.


“Learning takes patience and time” is the principle that resonated with me the most during this practicum. The circumstances created by the covid-19 pandemic have created a reality that is very different than what we are accustomed to. Not only are students at a different place in their learning while facing extenuating circumstances in school, but they are also dealing with greater social and emotional needs during these times of uncertainty. As a result, we must be reflexive to these needs and respond through our classroom practices by giving our students patience and time as they reenter schools and respond to the circumstances of the pandemic.

Inclusive Education

True inclusion to me focuses on involving each student in the learning community in a way that is meaningful, impactful, strengths-based, and holds the student’s best interest at heart. When we approach each of our students with a strengths-based approach, we communicate to them that we recognize their strengths and wish to provide them with the tools and supports that they will need to utilize those strenths.  During this practicum, I felt my ability to recognize individual needs and respond reflexively develop. As I move into the 491 practicum, I look forward to having more time to facilitate, inform, and provide formative feedback to my students that will allow them to grow from a strengths-based approach.