Educators understand and apply knowledge of student growth and development.
During the 490-practicum I recognized drastic growth in areas that I have previously struggled with. This was primarily under the umbrella of classroom management, such as boundaries with students and maintaining classroom expectations. Boundaries have always been a struggle for me as I didn’t understand the true implications my actions had on student growth and development. Previously, I have coddled students and ultimately contributed to learned helplessness because I did not have the firsthand knowledge, skills, or tools to address this issue. However, I was very thankful to learn about the importance of clear expectations, formative feedback, and giving students the proper tools and appropriate amount of support to enable their growth and development. Reinforcing clear expectations within the classroom was a major focus for me, as I had previously struggled to develop my confidence, voice, and presence within the classroom as a teacher. Receiving consistent and reliable formative feedback from my coaching teacher and practicum evaluator showed me firsthand how integral assessment practices are in the growth and development of learners. This experience has given me a deeper understanding and knowledge of student growth and development that I needed and will be able to carry forward into the 491 practicum.